Creating a likert scale in survey monkey
Creating a likert scale in survey monkey

  1. #Creating a likert scale in survey monkey how to#
  2. #Creating a likert scale in survey monkey generator#
  3. #Creating a likert scale in survey monkey series#

  • Once the second page and question have been added, select.
  • Using the instructions on the previous slides add a page and another question to that page.
  • Click Check Spelling to review the spelling of the answer.
  • If you want students to ass a comment or short answer, choose the appropriate “open-ended” choice.
  • Choose horizontal or vertical depending on the question layout.
  • creating a likert scale in survey monkey

    If you want the respondent to choose more than one answer, choose Multiple Answers.If you want the respondent to make a single choice of several possible answers, choose One Answer.Choose a question type by clicking on it.Choose a Question Type from the list of questions available including.If you set up the survey with a question on each page, the Skip Logic feature may be used.You can either set one question on each page, or you can set the entire survey on a single page. Add Question There are two options to consider when adding questions.A new page opens with options to add a title and description.You may also choose the UIW Standard template.This will allow you to customize the existing theme templates. Click the New Themebutton, and the Theme Editor will open.Choose a theme by clicking one of the Templateson the drop-down list.Type a title for the survey in the Enter a Title box.Delete: Clicking this icon deletes a survey PERMANENTLY.Clear: Clicking this icon clears survey data.Analyze: Click this icon to see the data displayed graphically.Collect: Once the survey has been completed, click on this icon to select options for sending the survey to recipients and collecting survey results.Design: Click here to design the survey.These options should be managed by the survey author.

    creating a likert scale in survey monkey

  • There are five Survey Management options available by clicking the icons.
  • Survey monkey will locate and open the desired survey.
  • T o search for a Survey, Type the survey title into the Tile search window.
  • To remove a folder, click the Deleteicon(The folder will be permanently deleted, surveys inside the folder will remain, but not assigned to a folder).
  • When finished, click Back to Folder Manager.
  • To change the name of a folder, highlight andtype a new folder name.
  • Click Edit Folders to open the Edit Folders List.
  • This will return to the Manage Folders page.
  • A new menu opens, type a name in theFolder Name box.
  • After the Organize Folders page opens, click on Add New Folder.
  • Determine your survey preferences before developing your folders.
  • It is a good idea to create separate folders for each department, instructor, or class.
  • creating a likert scale in survey monkey

    Click the Manage Foldersbutton to manage, create, edit, add, assign, remove or search folders.T o locate a folder, click on the Current Folder Dropdown Menu.My Account – From here you can edit login information and preferences.Address Book- A list of all of the email addresses in the Survey Pool (The UIW Email list).My Surveys – Opens the My Surveys Page, this is a list of all of the surveys created in the Survey Account.Create Survey - Opens the New Survey creation Page.To create the survey, you must log in.From here, you will create and administer all surveys. This will open the Survey Monkey homepage.

    creating a likert scale in survey monkey

    The following section outlines the functions of these items

    #Creating a likert scale in survey monkey series#

    The My Surveys Page Navigation, editing and management of Survey Monkey is accomplished through a series of drop-down menus, buttons and icons.

  • Review response choices to determine if they effectively answer the survey question.
  • Discuss the questions and responses to ensure that questions are understood.
  • Talk with them about your goals for the survey and if they survey, in their opinion, meets those gals.
  • Review and Revise Have a colleague take the survey.
  • This gives the respondent an opportunity to provide specific feedback to questions that Likert Scale does not provide.
  • Allow for opinion – Use the essay question option to explain answers or add an opinion.
  • Ask questions that will provide the feedback that you need, and nothing more.
  • Keep it simple – Keep the number of questions to a minimum.
  • Instead of yes or no responses, offer a variety of choices that will provide relevant feedback
  • Strive for clarity - When conducting a survey, it is important to ask questions that have clear, concise answer choices.
  • If the survey is a tool for data collection, ask questions about the specific topic.
  • If the Survey is intended to determine what students know, establish a set of entry behaviors, and draft the survey to determine id those behaviors are present.
  • #Creating a likert scale in survey monkey how to#

  • If the survey is a post-course evaluation tool, the goal should reflect the desire to learn how to improve the course.
  • Establish a goal - Have a goal for the survey.
  • This tutorial will guide you through the process necessary for creating a survey.
  • #Creating a likert scale in survey monkey generator#

  • SurveyMonkey is an online survey generator created to help users create a quality survey.

  • Creating a likert scale in survey monkey